Sunday, January 30, 2011

Windows XP Secrets

By: Staff

Windows XP Secrets

Notepad Secrets
Create a log
  1. Open Notepad
  2. On the very first line, type in ".LOG" (without quotes) then press Enter for a new line
  3. Now you can type in some text if you want, then save the file.
  4. Next time when you open the file, notice its contents. Notepad automatically adds a time/date log everytime you open the file.
Text becomes unreadable
  1. Open Notepad
  2. On the very first line, type in "dont eat the donut" (without quotes) then save and close the file. Note: the file should have only one line of the text above.
  3. Now, open the same file. You'll notice the text becomes unreadable squares. (try this with different text with the same format and length).

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1. The desire for power inherent in man.

2. Distinctions and disparities lead to the idea of superiority both on the individual and national level.

3. Mental power superior than physical power.

4. Knowledge attained by man gave him the power to rule over the elements that govern life.

5. All the discoveries and inventions of man, the manifestation of the power of knowledge.

6. Discipline, order and economy form the basis of the power given by knowledge

7. ‘Balance’ is the cardinal virtue of good sense.

8. Knowledge must mellow in wisdom which is the mark of culture and humanity.

9. The quest of knowledge should lead to the realization of the Truth.